How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves


18/ How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Learn how to finish wavy hair in the best way! (Photo: Instagram @indiabatson)

How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Wavy hair should not be cared for in the same way as straight hair (Photo: Instagram @lale.temori)

How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Products with a fluid texture are the best for defining wavy hair (Photo: Instagram @dorit_revelis)

How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Fitting is one of the best-known techniques for finishing wavy hair (Photo: Instagram @tashimrod)

How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

diva tip

How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Miraculous Hydration Styling Cream

Explore How to finish wavy hair? Technical tips for waves

Cream for Combing Curls Your Way


Until recently, women with wavy hair also suffered from a lack of information about how to properly care for type 2 curls. Wavy locks were often treated in the same way as straight ones, and this attitude ruins the beauty of waves. Every type of hair deserves to be cared for with specific products that respect its natural characteristics. Thus, you will be able to achieve a result that values ​​all that is best in your threads. Therefore, if you're wavy and want to know how to finish and which products to use, come with Fica Diva!

Avoid reproducing care aimed at straight hair

The first suggestion is the main mistake of those who want to bring the benefits of natural waves: avoid taking care of your hair as if it were straight. This works from washing to completion, as all processes will influence the end result. When choosing a shampoo, look for the most moisturizing ones, avoid transparent models and apply only to the scalp. That way, it will be difficult to get the effect of oily hair at the roots and dry at the ends. Another essential tip to finish your strands correctly is never to comb dry locks. You can retire that brush that is inside the bag, this habit only helps to break the hair and leave a mistreated appearance.

A post shared by Bethany Noel Mota (@bethanynoelm) on Apr 10, 2018 at 12:40 PM PDT

What to use to define wavy hair?

Before betting on any finishing technique, it is very important that you choose products that are light and fluid so as not to weigh your hair down. With a formula and ingredients designed for waves, you don't have to be afraid of getting that heavy hair look. And, of course, it is necessary to control the amount applied. If you don't know where to start, invest in gelatins, gels and traditional styling creams.

Know the difference between each one and choose your favorite!

Gelatine: this finishing product is great for wavy hair that has difficulty achieving definition or for those who are dealing with different hair textures, such as in hair transition. Hair gelatin is also great for helping to set hairstyles!

Come: the gel is also a good option for wavy hair that is difficult to achieve definition. The texture of the gel is more liquid and light, giving well-aligned wavy hair.

cream: it helps to detangle but the cream can also define wavy hair. In order not to weigh the threads down, the tip is to mix the multifunctional cream with a capillary gelatin, leaving the texture more fluid and promoting lightness and movement to the threads. 

A post shared by HOPEBLEAKMAN (@hopebleakman) on Oct 21, 2017 at 8:37 am PDT

How to finish wavy hair? Learn techniques to define type 2 curl

The best known finishing technique to define wavy and curly hair is the fitage, which consists of creating “ribbons” in the hair. To do this, just separate the hair into thin or thick sections with a wide-toothed comb and scrunch the hair to activate the waves. Quick and practical, right, diva? 

In addition to the tape, another technique to finish wavy hair is the dedoliss, which takes a little more time, but which also guarantees a perfect result. After separating the hair into ribbons, you must take each one and roll them with your fingers. After that, you can dry the wavy hair with a diffuser, which helps to define the waves even more!

Diva tip: try to concentrate the products on the length and ends. As the root of the wavy hair is smooth, the oiliness goes down more easily and the chances of the locks getting a heavy look are very high. Therefore, when applying conditioners, treatment masks and finishers, remember to avoid the scalp.

Article published on: 18/

Updated: 18/

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