How to dye hair at home? The step by step to not make mistakes!

Dyeing your hair yourself can be a great way to save money and learn a new beauty technique, but it can also go very wrong if you don't follow a few rules to the letter.

So, here we separate the fundamental tips and the step by step on how to dye your hair at home and without going wrong! Check out.


  • Bet on a toner: Because if the result is not what you want, you will be able to remove the toner without harming the natural color of the hair.
  • Read all manufacturer's instructions: each product has specific requirements, ignoring the guidelines can lead to allergies, poor results or even chemical cutting.
  • Perform the sensitivity test: This is a sensitivity test and is indicated to check for any allergies to the product. Then, the day before coloring your hair, apply a little of the product to the nape of your neck and behind your ears and then wash it off. If after 24 hours there is no allergy, you can proceed with coloring.
  • Do a strand test: this test is to check if the hair is resistant to the chemical applied and what the final result will be. Choose a small section, preferably from the nape of the neck, and color it as indicated on the label. If during the process the strand becomes elastic, wash it immediately and do not use the product. If not, you can already dye your hair with coloring.
  • Beware of clothing: we know that dye and clothes are not the best combination, it's stain for sure! So use an old T-shirt or dress that you don't mind getting stained.

How to dye hair at home? The step by step to not make mistakes!

during coloring

  • Use gloves and hairbrush: gloves are necessary to avoid allergies and spots on the skin, the brush will help in applying the product to the hair, avoiding contact with the hands.
  • Section hair with barrettes: the split will provide a more agile and uniform application of the product and the barrettes will keep the hair separated.
  • Apply protective ointment: It is recommended to use a protective ointment for the scalp and skin around the back of the neck, forehead and ear. Care is never too much, right?
  • Take your time: On the day of the coloring, take some time to carry out the dyeing, calmly and without haste. Also avoid marking important events after staining. If something goes wrong, you'll need time to fix it!


  • Moisturize your hair after dyeing: moisturizing after coloring is ideal for revitalizing the hair and restoring the vitamins lost during the chemical process. Thus, it will provide more shine and softness to the hair.
  • Avoid dryer and flat iron: chemical procedures attack the hair fiber, so avoiding heat sources is indicated to provide a recovery period for the hair. This will prevent breakage, dryness and frizz.
  • Do a wetting: in addition to hydration, it is important to regularly moisturize with vegetable oils. Humectation is a natural nutrition process, which will replenish nutrients and seal the hair cuticles.
  • Wash your hair with cold water: washing your hair with hot water can open the cuticles, which results in color fading and frizz. The ideal is to rinse the hair with warm or cold water, preserving the color and shine of the hair.

Bonus: Use toner if you're a beginner!

The two products are hair dyes with a similar effect, however, the toner is a product with a temporary result. Ideal for those who are new to the procedure.

Permanent ink is recommended more for specialized professionals, but if this is not possible, seek help from a person to perform the procedure.

In the article The best hair dyes for you to use in 2021, you can check the list of the best hair dyes for you to invest in. Be sure to check it out!

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