How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories


23/ How to clean costume jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

Your jewelry needs to be washed so they don't get dark

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

The mixture of bicarbonate with vinegar, detergent and water will leave your accessories shiny and clean

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

Wash your jewelry once or twice a year

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

You can also wash your jewelry with toothpaste and a toothbrush.

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

Dry your jewelry well before storing. Moisture makes jewelry darken

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

Put some small pieces of chalk where you keep the accessories. They will absorb moisture from the air, preventing the jewelry from darkening.

How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories How to clean jewelry? Learn how to remove dark spots from accessories

After a while, your jewelry gets dull and dirty, right? This happens because moisture makes the metal darken and leaves the bijus opaque. That's why it's very important to clean your accessories, as they only look good if they're shiny and stain-free. If you want to learn ways to wash and care for your earrings, necklaces and rings, come with us!

Make a mixture with baking soda to wash metal jewelry

The product that cleans the most jewelry is baking soda. But it's not to rub the powder directly on the accessories. We're going to teach you a little recipe that will make your jewelry look brand new, but don't make it too often. Once or twice a year is enough.

Mix a liter of warm water with two tablespoons of vinegar, two of detergent and two of the famous bicarbonate. Put your pieces in the mixture for 5 minutes and use a toothbrush to clean it well. Don't forget to dry them before storing!

Use toothpaste to clean your accessories

Did you know that toothpaste has baking soda in it? Exactly, diva! This is one of the reasons why our teeth are clean after brushing. That's why you can use the product to clean your jewelry. Just use a toothbrush with the toothpaste on the necklace, earring or ring and wash them afterwards. Dry well before storing, okay? It's even worth using the hair dryer so that all the water goes away.

Take care of the jewelry so they don't darken

You can't keep cleaning objects all the time. Therefore, taking care of accessories is very important for them to last longer, clean and shiny. Everything follows only one principle: keep it away from moisture. No storing your jewelry in the bathroom, diva. This is an environment that stays humid all the time and will turn your earrings and necklaces dark faster.

Perfume can also darken your accessories. In addition to being liquid, the product has several substances that get dirty and make the jewelry dark. So, don't pass the perfume using earring or necklace. A really cool trick is to put pieces of chalk inside the drawer or box where you keep your bijus, as it will absorb moisture, preventing darkening.

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