How to choose power on the hair dryer? Understand how the air jet influences the brush


12 How to choose power on the hair dryer? Understand how the air jet influences the brush How to choose power on the hair dryer? Understand how the air jet influences the brush

The power, weight and type of yarn are some factors that interfere with choosing the ideal dryer.

diva tip

How to choose power on the hair dryer? Understand how the air jet influences the brush

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The hair dryer is a very versatile tool, as it works both to style the strands when brushing, and also speeds up drying and gives more volume to curly and curly hair. However, to choose a device to call your own, you need to pay attention to some details, such as the power and the type of wire. To help you with this task, Fica Diva separated some tips. Check out!

The more powerful the dryer, the hotter the air blast.

Many divas believe that the ideal is to have a dryer that is very powerful, as this way the hair dries faster. This is even true, but, in addition to the speed in drying the wires, you also need to assess whether your wires really need such high power.

Ideally, for finer and smoother hair, the dryer's power should be approximately 1.500 to 1.800 watts. As for those who have a lot of hair or voluminous strands, as well as curly and frizzy ones, the power can be above 1.800 watts without problems. Oh! And don't forget the thermal protector, huh, diva! In this case, we recommend Niely Gold Mega Shine Diamond Oil, which protects and even leaves the hair very shiny.

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How often do you use the hair dryer?

On the other hand, regardless of your hair type, how often you use the heat tool also counts. That's because, even if your strands are thicker and take longer to dry, you don't need to invest in such a powerful dryer if you use it little.

So, assess whether your dryer is an essential part of your hair routine. If you use the tool every day, it's worth investing in a model with the right power for your locks. If you only use the dryer on special occasions, see if the investment is the best solution.

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Weight and size also affect the choice of dryer.

In addition to the power of the device and the frequency with which you use the dryer, other details can also help you select the best model. This is because, even if it has the best power, a dryer that is too heavy can have serious consequences for your health if you are in the habit of using it every day.

Another important point is the size of your dryer. Unless you're a professional or enjoy the salon effect on your locks, a very large device doesn't make much difference if the intention is to fix the wires. There's more: the more compact version also makes life easier for those who travel a lot and like to carry the dryer in their suitcase.

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