Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment


21/ Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: skin treatment step by step Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

Underarms can be darkened by different factors, including the use of deodorant with alcohol and shaving with a razor

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

In some cases, the armpit is darker because of genetics, especially in those with dark skin.

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

Razor shaving causes small skin lesions that can cause dark spots under the arm

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

The exfoliation with sugar and honey eliminates dead cells and residues of products that accumulate in the armpits

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

You can try changing the conventional deodorant for the more natural version, which is less harmful to the skin.

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

If the situation is critical, the mixture with cornstarch, honey and milk helps to lighten the skin.

Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment Homemade recipe to lighten armpits: step-by-step skin treatment

Some areas of the body may be darker than others, such as the armpits. This happens because of genetics itself or even as a reaction to deodorant and waxing, among other factors. Whatever the reason, many people don't care about it, but there are women who are bothered by the darkened appearance of their skin. If you fit into the second category, then check out the tips that Fica Diva separated for you!

Allergy to shaving and deodorant can darken armpits

The darker skin in the armpit region may just be a genetic predisposition, very common in those with black skin. However, other factors can contribute to the appearance of coloration.

One of them is alcohol-based deodorant, which in addition to holding the dead cells in the area, also burns the skin under the arm, hence the darker color. If you are in the habit of shaving with a razor, the situation is even more complicated, as the device causes microlesions that cause these stains. Very oily skin, hormonal imbalance, excessive sweating and even the use of tight clothes also contribute to the stuffiness of the skin and, as a consequence, favor the darkening of the armpits.

Exfoliate to get rid of dead underarm cells

Before investing in a homemade whitening recipe, you can first test the exfoliation, which usually solves most cases. It's just that the treatment eliminates product residues and dead cells that usually accumulate in the folds with perspiration. Just mix a little sugar and honey, forming a paste, and apply it to the affected area once a week.

Another tip is to change conventional deodorant for a more natural version. The homemade recipe does not harm the skin and leaves the area free to breathe. And on days when you are at home, without any commitments, you can even leave the product aside, right?

Learn how to whiten armpits with homemade recipe

If your situation is a little more critical and the exfoliation didn't solve it, that's not a problem, as some homemade recipes help lighten your armpits. However, if your skin is darker due to genetics or hormones, is it worth looking for a specialist for your case, agreed? Learn the step by step of natural whitening:

1 th step: mix in a pan 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 and a half cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take to the fire and stir well until you form a porridge.

2 th step: after the mixture is warm, almost cold, apply the paste to the darkened armpits and let it act for 15 minutes.

3 th step: after the break time, rinse the area well and apply a moisturizer. You can repeat this process twice a week if your skin is already blotchy. When noticing improvement, you can increase this interval to 15 days.

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