Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

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21/ Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps hair growth Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

Hibiscus shampoo is recommended for divas who want to stimulate hair growth

Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

Hibiscus is rich in vitamins and iron, which strengthen hair and prevent breakage.

Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

Hibiscus shampoo can be used on all hair types, but it is not recommended for blondes and platinum

Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

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Hibiscus shampoo: learn the homemade recipe that helps with hair growth

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Who has never bet on some homemade mixture to take care of their hair? For those who are in the Rapunzel project, then, every recipe is welcome to get a big hair. In this case, it is worth trying hibiscus shampoo. The flower is rich in vitamins, which act directly on the scalp and strengthen the hair. But beware: it is not suitable for everyone. Know more!

Hibiscus shampoo helps in hair growth

To stimulate hair growth, it's no use to stop cutting the locks. That's because it's not the ends that interfere with the size of your hair, but the scalp. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of the root, nourishing and stimulating blood circulation in the region.

If you are looking for a more natural alternative for this function, hibiscus is the right choice. The flower, easily found in health food stores, is full of nutrients and rich in vitamin A, C and iron. In addition, along with castor oil, hibiscus helps strengthen locks, preventing hair breakage.

Learn how to make hibiscus shampoo

To make hibiscus shampoo, you only need three ingredients: hibiscus, castor oil and clear shampoo. Once ready, you can use it normally, preferably twice a week. Check out the step-by-step recipe:

1st step: in a plastic container (it could be the shampoo packaging itself), mix 2 tablespoons of dry hibiscus, 1 tablespoon of castor oil and 300 ml of shampoo.

2 th step: shake the ingredients well and let the product rest for up to 5 days. The longer, the more potent the mix gets!

3 th step: after the pause time, the shampoo is ready to be used. You can leave it in your bathroom, but if the area is very hot, it is advisable to leave the mixture in the refrigerator.

Do not use hibiscus shampoo on blonde hair

Anyone who has seen the hibiscus up close knows that the flower has a very intense and reddish color. In this case, the shampoo made with the natural product is not indicated for blondes and platinum, since it can stain the hair.

It is also worth paying special attention to pregnant women. The best choice is to consult the doctor and check that the product has no contraindications for you and your baby, agreed?

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