Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands


14 Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

Those little balls on the wires could be fairy knots

Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

Fairy knots are formed when the locks tangle and form knots in the same thread.

Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

Frizzy and curly strands are the ideal environment for the formation of fairy knots

When straight and wavy hair is fragile and dry, it favors the appearance of fairy knots.

Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

Exaggerated friction is one of the main factors for the formation of fairy knots

Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

It is possible to live with fairy nodes and prevent them from multiplying

Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands Hair with a fairy knot: what to do to treat the problem and how to avoid tangled strands

Do you know when you run your hand through your hair and notice a ball or two in the strands? These are the fairy knots and happen when the locks tangle and form small knots in a single strand. Some normal everyday attitudes can cause knots, which are generally harmless to hair health and can be easily avoided.

Curly and curly yarns are the perfect environment for the formation of fairy knots because they tangle more often, in addition to being thinner and more fragile. However, that doesn't mean that the smooth and wavy ones are free of these little knots. In that case, if the locks are fragile and dry, it will be easier for the problem to appear.

Care when untangling is essential to avoid knots

Exaggerated friction is one of the main factors for the formation of knots. Avoid combing dry hair, untangling it during the shower when applying the conditioner is the best way to prevent hair from tangling. It is also important to comb the hair from bottom to top, so that the tangled part is gradually undone without making the knots worse.

For smooth and wavy hair, the tip is to avoid combing your hair many times a day. It sounds strange, but excessive friction can also be responsible for fairy knots. Detangling your hair at least twice a day is enough.

Is it necessary to cut?

Fairy knots usually form at the ends of the hair and can also appear in the length, less frequently. They are usually harmless when in smaller quantities, otherwise they can be the main responsible for constantly tangled threads, making it difficult to untangle them. Trimming your ends every three months helps keep your hair looser and makes it harder for knots to form.

Can you live with fairy knots?

It's actually quite simple to live with nodes and prevent them from multiplying. Stay tuned for some tips! Oils are going to be your best friend in fighting fairy knots. Betting on nutrition provides suppleness to the hair, avoiding the embarrassing effect. Avoid washing the wires with hot water, as it facilitates the breaking of knots. If possible, use a satin pillowcase to control friction when sleeping, curly and curly ones also have the option of a pineapple bun. And finally, avoid spending many days without untangling the threads, keeping it day after for more than 4 days without untangling it is a danger to the formation of knots.

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