Embroidered cut: What is it? Check out all about this technique

Do you have hair full of split ends and super frizzy, but are you terrified of giving the ends a trim? It's because you still don't know the embroidered cut!

The embroidered cut is a new technique that has been successful in hairdressers, as it promises to eliminate split ends and dry strands without changing the length of the hair! Do not believe? So let's explain everything about this amazing procedure, take a look.

Embroidered cut: What is it? Check out all about this technique

What is it for or embroidery cut?

The embroidered cut serves to remove the split ends of the strands, which leave our hair looking super dry and frizzy, the fear of any woman! This occurs due to several factors, such as: excessive use of a flat iron or dryer, a lot of exposure to the sun, coloring, discoloration or even fragile hair that results in a lot of frizz.

Also, another amazing benefit of the cut is that it didn't shorten the length of the strands! That is, it leaves the highlights healthy and stunning without having to remove those two little fingers of hair.

Embroidered cut: What is it? Check out all about this technique

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And how is the embroidery cut done?

Currently there are two techniques used by hairdressers. The most traditional is manually with good old scissors, where the professional brushes the dry hair strand by strand, removing the split and dry ends that are visible and highlighted. The other technique is through a machine made especially for this type of cut, which, when passed through the strand, brushes and cuts the frizzy ends.

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When is it indicated to do the embroidery cut?

If you have dry hair, full of split ends and looking unhealthy, maybe it's time to bet on the embroidered cut.

However, we remind you that it is not just this procedure that will keep your locks beautiful! Try to carry out a care routine for your hair, investing in hydration, moisturizing and good products that protect the strands from external factors. And be sure to consult a professional to analyze your case and see if this type of cut is necessary.

Embroidered cut: What is it? Check out all about this technique

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Released for all highlights!

Yes, it is released for all types of hair! Because, as already mentioned, the function of the embroidered cut is to remove unwanted split ends. And there's no way, all women suffer from this evil. Therefore, straightened, curly and curly hair types can invest in this miraculous cut to keep their locks healthy and beautiful.

Were you curious to see how the cut is made? Watch Júlia Doorman's video and write down the step by step to do it at home!

EMBROIDERED CUT: Removing Split Ends from Hair by Júlia Doorman

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