Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

The hygiene of straightened hair should be a little different from what you are used to, either to ensure healthy and beautiful hair or to maintain the chemical treatment for longer.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

Hygiene products should be salt-free so as not to dry out the hair and impair the effect of the brush.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

Girls who have recently invested in the progressive brush should stop washing their hair every day so as not to accelerate the removal of chemicals from the strands and reduce the straight effect.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

The ideal washing interval is every other day, however, owners of greasier manes can alternate every other day to preserve the straightening.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

Alternate washing with products for chemically treated hair. They will moisturize, strengthen and repair the hair roots as they begin to grow.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

If you straighten your hair, never use anti-residue shampoo. This type of sanitizer with a higher pH than usual opens the hair cuticles, removing chemicals from straightening and coloring.

Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it Did you make a progressive brush? See how to wash your hair correctly after straightening it

Niely Gold Total Straight Conditioner

Straightening hair can help make a woman's routine more practical, but it requires special care that goes beyond weekly moisturizing. Hygiene, for example, needs to be a little different than what you're used to, either to ensure healthy, beautiful hair or to maintain the chemical treatment for longer. Check out Practicals Women's tips and find out how to wash your tresses well after progressive brushing!

Intersperse hair washing days

Girls who recently invested in the progressive brush should stop washing their hair every day. This habit can speed up the removal of chemicals in the strands and reduce the straight effect you were hoping for. The ideal washing interval is every other day, however, owners of greasier manes can intersperse every other day to preserve the straightening.

Alternate salt-free shampoo with chemically treated hair.

Straightened hair tends to be oilier than normal, so it is ideal to alternate the type of shampoo to ensure clean, soft hair for longer. First, you can start with a salt-free shampoo, which will gently cleanse the scalp without affecting the straightening effect. At the next wash, it may be time to invest in products for chemically treated tresses, as they will moisturize, strengthen and repair the root of the hair as it begins to grow.

In addition, dermatologists recommend applying salt-free shampoo to the scalp only and massaging with your fingertips - never with your fingernails - to stimulate growth. When the lather starts to go down the lengths, it's time to rinse and apply conditioner from the mid-lengths to the ends of the hair.

Anti-residue shampoos no way!

The deep-cleaning proposition of anti-residue shampoos may even be seductive, but you'll be compromising your brush. This type of disinfectant with a higher than usual pH opens the hair cuticles, removing excess substances accumulated on the strands and scalp, including chemical processes such as straightening and coloring.

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