Carrot oil for hair: how to make the product to invest in powerful nutrition

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Carrot oil for hair: how to make the product to invest in powerful nutrition Carrot oil for hair: how to make the product to invest in powerful nutrition

With just one carrot it is possible to make a homemade vegetable oil much more potent than the commercial ones! Bet on the recipe to help hair growth

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Carrot oil for hair: how to make the product to invest in powerful nutrition

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Explore Carrot oil for hair: how to make the product to invest in powerful nutrition

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Vegetable oils are perfect for treating hair. This ingredient is present in several homemade recipes, it can be used at the end, to increase masks and also alone in wetting. The versatility of the product is just one of the countless benefits that oils can bring to care. A good way to make the treatment even better is to make your own vegetable oil at home. That way, you can increase nutrients and make the ingredient even more potent. Grab a carrot from your fridge and come with us to find out all about this homemade recipe, diva!

Carrot oil is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene

It is true that to make your own vegetable oil you will have to use olive oil as a base. What many girls ask themselves is: why make the recipe if we can use pure extra virgin olive oil? The answer is quite simple, investing in the mixture with carrots makes it possible to have a much more nutritious and effective product for hair health.

With the new advantages, your locks gain a good load of vitamin A, which is essential for growth. In addition to protection from sun rays, it improves blood circulation in the scalp, stronger strands, combating breakage and preventing root diseases.

A post shared by Jasmine Brown (@jasmeannnn) on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:21 am PDT

Learn the fastest recipe to get carrot oil

There are two ways to make this homemade recipe and the first brings results faster. With the help of heat, the carrot's nutrients will penetrate the oil and your product will be ready in 24 hours. However, in this case it is possible that you lose some nutritional properties with the fire process. If this is not a problem, follow the step by step:

1st step: put two grated carrots in a pan and cover everything with olive oil.

2st step: bring the mixture to a boil and wait until your oil is orange and your carrots are softer.

3st step:  turn off the stove and let your recipe rest for 24 hours.

4st step: after the waiting time, strain the carrot, store the oil in a glass container with a lid and it is ready to use!

A post shared by JOYJAH (@joyjah) on Jun 15, 2018 at 1:15 am PDT

Let the oil pull nutrients naturally with the second recipe

For the second way to make carrot oil you will have to wait a little longer before you can use your product. But, it might be worth waiting for a more enriched ingredient that will add more to your hair routine. See how to do it:

1st step: grate two carrots and place them in a properly sanitized and dry glass.

2st step: completely cover the carrots with the olive oil, cover your glass and take the container to the fridge.

3st step: let your recipe rest for 48 hours in the refrigerator.

4st step: after the two days have passed, pass the mixture through a strainer, reserve the oil and discard the carrot.

5st step: return your carrot oil to the jar with a lid and your recipe is ready!

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