Capillary schedule: how to recover the strength of the hair

Day-to-day aggressions - such as the action of the sun, wind and sea water -, the heat from flat irons and dryers and chemical procedures end up drying out and taking the shine out of our hair.

If you are looking for an effective and long-term treatment to recover the texture and luminosity of your strands, you can bet on the capillary schedule technique. Do'nt know? Let us explain everything to you!

What is the hair schedule

This technique is nothing more than a treatment calendar that alternates stages of hydration, nutrition and restoration of the strands, assembled according to the needs of your hair fiber.

The idea is that over four weeks the hair recovers nutrients and vitamins so that it gains a healthy and shiny appearance.

This treatment is indicated for any type of hair that is porous and brittle, be it straight (1), wavy (2a, 2b and 2c), curly (3a, 3b and 3c) or curly (4a, 4b and 4c).

Check out the different types of hair strands below to find out which category your hair falls into.

Capillary schedule: how to recover the strength of the hair

Take the porosity test on your hair

Before putting together your hair schedule agenda, you need to know what your hair's main need is. To do this, just do a porosity test, which is super simple to do at home. See how:

When your hair is clean and dry, comb your strands and separate an entire strand that comes off the brush. Fill a large glass bowl with water and place the string inside.

Look after a few minutes and see the position of the hair strand and you will be able to find out how the porosity of your strands is and, consequently, what is the main need for the treatment:

Capillary schedule: how to recover the strength of the hair

  • If your hair indicated low porosity, it's a sign that your cuticle is very closed, so your strands are healthy. So, you can bet on the capillary hydration schedule program, to reinforce the texture.
  • If your hair indicated normal porosity, it means that it is a little damaged, so you can bet on a capillary schedule focused on the nutrition stage.
  • If your hair indicated high porosity, it is a sign that your cuticles are too open and your hair is too damaged. So, you should bet on the most intense capillary schedule, focused on rebuilding the capillary fiber.

Understand each stage of the hair schedule

After you've identified what your hair needs most between hydration, nutrition and reconstruction, it's time for you to know how these procedures will affect your strands.

For you to better understand the need to fulfill each step separately, the table below details the action they will have on your hair during the capillary schedule treatment. You can also check what type of product to use for each treatment:

Capillary schedule: how to recover the strength of the hair

Build your treatment schedule

Now that you know what kind of treatment your hair needs and what each step of the schedule will do for your hair fiber, you're ready to put together your four-week treatment schedule. Remember to take a 48-hour break between one wash and another.

Capillary schedule: how to recover the strength of the hair

After the first four weeks of the hair schedule, you will already start to notice a difference in the texture of your hair shaft. You can choose to stick with the care schedule or repeat it from time to time when you notice your strands getting damaged again.

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