Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

There are still many doubts about whether it is possible to do highlights on hair that has a progressive brush.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

After progressive brushing, wait at least a month before doing highlights.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

Due to the chemistry of straightening, your hair may not lighten much with the bleaching action.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

Do the progressive before coloring to ensure a better result and to prevent the strands from being altered by the chemistry of the straightening.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

If they do not reach the required highlighting tone, the highlights may turn orange.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair?

Highlights make all the difference in the look.

Can I make tresses with progressive hair? Can I make tresses with progressive hair? Can I make tresses with progressive hair? Can I make tresses with progressive hair? Can I make tresses with progressive hair? Can I make tresses with progressive hair?


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Mechanisms, highlights and reflections make a total difference to the look. Many women who use a progressive brush on their hair wonder if, even with chemistry, they can lighten their locks using coloring techniques. Because of the straightening product, this can interfere with the bleaching process. So what to do to achieve the dreamy highlighted look? We'll help you diva, come to us!

After progressive brushing, wait at least a month to do highlights.

It's free to do locks and progressives, but don't do all the treatments at once, hey! Ideally, wait at least a month between one procedure and the other. If you decide to do both in a short period of time, you run the risk of deeply damaging your tresses, and may even break them.

With progressive brushing, the hair does not lighten as it should.

In addition to the fear of breaking the wires with both procedures, there is the fear that the result will not be as expected. Due to the chemistry of the progressive, it is normal for straightened hair to not lighten like virgin hair. The chemistry of straightening creates a kind of coating on the strands, which makes it difficult to lighten even with a strong bleaching powder. Talk to your hairdresser!

If they are not light enough, highlights tend to turn orange.

When bleaching highlights, especially those with chemicals, it is normal for the lightening background to be a more orange tone. Therefore, it is good to always maintain care, such as hydration and the use of purple shampoo, to protect the strands from stains and unwanted tones.

It's better to do the progressive before coloring

If you have doubts about which procedure is better to do first, the answer is progressive brushing. Prefer to straighten your tresses before using the coloring technique to lighten your tresses, as any problems in the coloring can be corrected during the tone change process. The chemistry of straightening also tends to change the color of bleached hair, so do the progressive first, okay?

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