Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Hair transition is a very important process for women who want to assume their natural hair. This transition period always ends with the big chop!

And if you are thinking about or going through a hair transition, you must have heard about BC. And here we will tell you all the details of this great moment, take a look.

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

What is big chop?

Big chop or BC is an English term that can be translated as the “big chop”. This cut is considered a very special moment for women who have gone through a hair transition, where they have removed the smoothed part of the hair, freeing the natural locks!

When is the ideal time to do a big chop?

There is no ideal time to do the big chop. The best thing is to perform the cut when the natural hair is at a length that makes you feel comfortable. There are women who choose to shave their heads and take advantage of all the stages of natural hair growth, while others prefer to wait for their hair to grow a little. So, don't be afraid or in a hurry, do BC only when you are comfortable and confident!

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Where to do the Big Chop?

As the big chop is a very simple and quick cut, many girls do it at home. However, you can also go to a hairdresser to get a more personalized cut.

Hair care after the Big Chop!

Care for your locks after the big chop will depend a lot on your hair type, so check it out here in Types of hair: Check out which one is yours and how to take care of it.

Meanwhile, hydration and nutrition are essential for all hair! Therefore, invest in a good hair mask and bet on moisturizing with vegetable oils.

A good alternative to investing deeply in hair care is the hair schedule, where you weekly organize hydration and nutrition methods. Find out more in Capillary schedule: bet on this hair recovery technique.

Before and after photos after the Big Chop

To inspire you in this big decision, we've separated incredible before and after images of women who bet on the big chop and assumed their natural hair! Check it out.

Curly hair: necessary care and better cuts

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

Big Chop: Check out all about this technique and before and after photos

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