4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

makeup and nails

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

Many women suffer from slow nail growth.

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

With some homemade recipes you can accelerate the growth of your nails

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

Tomato is a great ally to make your nails grow faster

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

Coconut oil is often used on hair, but it also works on nails.

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

A glass with two squeezed oranges can improve your nail growth

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

Include more protein, zinc and biotin in your diet for healthier nails

4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster 4 homemade recipes to make your nails grow faster

Surely you've met someone who suffers from nail growth. The problem can be linked to many factors, from food or even hormonal dysfunctions. But there are homemade recipes that can make your nails grow much faster. There is no mystery, since products that you probably have at home are used. Let's have wonderful nails, my friend!

Tomato is one of the foods that helps in nail growth.

In addition to being delicious in salad, tomato can help you have bigger nails. You'll need a tomato and a tablespoon of olive oil to make the magic happen. Beat these two ingredients in a blender, soak a cotton ball in the mixture and place it on your nails. Let it rest for ten minutes and you're done.

Coconut oil is at every function in the world of beauty

When we talk about homemade treatment, it is the first ingredient that comes to mind. Coconut oil is the darling of all homemade recipes. He is wonderful for skin, hair and also for nails. How to overcome a vegetable oil like that? This natural ingredient hydrates the cuticles, which helps a lot in the growth of your nails. To do this treatment, just apply the oil to the fingertips and massage with circular movements. Leave it acting all night.

Soak your nails in orange juice

Orange juice is the greatest source of vitamin C and helps fight your colds, right? But did you know that this drink helps your nails grow? Just squeeze two oranges, put them in a glass and dip your fingers in them for ten minutes. Wash the area with lukewarm water and finish moisturizing your cuticles well. Ideally, you should do this treatment every day until you see the result you want.

Your diet interferes a lot with nail growth

It's no use wanting beautiful nails and always eating a lot of nonsense. If you want them to grow faster and stronger, there are some foods that can make a total difference in your routine. Protein-rich foods (chicken, eggs, cereals, nuts…), zinc (lean meat, cashews, lobster…) and biotin (carrots, eggs, hazelnuts…) are great for getting your manicure done.

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