10 tricks to make the perfect flat iron in your hair!

Straight hair

17 10 tricks to make the perfect flat iron in your hair! 10 tricks to make the perfect flat iron in your hair!

In order for the flat iron to be perfect and leave your strands very smooth, you need to know some tricks

diva tip

10 tricks to make the perfect flat iron in your hair!

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Hello, flat iron diva! We know that, no matter how much practice you have in straightening hair with a heat tool, there is always one detail or another that ends up being overlooked. In addition, for those who are not in the habit of using a flat iron, it may seem impossible to achieve a perfect result. But rest assured! Fica Diva will teach you 10 tricks to keep your hair straight and perfect. Check out!

1 - Wash your hair properly

Well, diva. In order for your flat iron to be perfect, you have to pay attention to the threads from the moment of washing. This means that you need to wash your hair with salt-free shampoo, preferably twice, and apply conditioner only to the lengths and ends. Rinse thoroughly, leaving no residue.

2 - Dry the hair with a microfiber towel

Another important point is that, when drying the hair with a traditional towel, it can become more bristly and the frizz is difficult to get out even with a flat iron. In that case, it's worth investing in a microfiber towel, which keeps the locks aligned. Don't have a towel? No problem! A cotton shirt also helps a lot.

3 - Apply a thermal protector

This is one of the most important tips when making a flat iron. It's just that the high temperature of the heat tool can burn your hair if it's not properly protected. Therefore, be sure to apply a product that has thermal protection, such as Niely Gold Mega Shine Diamond Oil.

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A post shared by Ashley D. (@msashleydevonna) on Jun 19, 2018 at 5:33AM PDT

4 - Separate the hair into thin strands

It's no use taking the hair anyway and thinking that only the flat iron will leave the strands smooth and aligned. The ideal is to separate the locks into very thin strands, because the smaller the amount of hair, the flatter it will be. If your flat iron is not the thinnest type, this trick is the best choice.

5 - Choose the right heat tool

Speaking of size, the flat iron will vary according to your hair. This way, you won't be suffering when straightening the locks. If your hair is thin or with little volume, you can invest in a more compact model. If your strands are thicker and bulkier and you need a more powerful tool, then it's better to look for bigger devices.

6 - Do not use the flat iron too hot

This one goes out to those who have that more professional flat iron, with temperature regulation. The right thing is to keep the tool 180 to 200 degrees, depending on your type of thread. If your flat iron doesn't have this feature, you can turn it off for a few minutes if it gets too hot.

7 - Slide the flat iron non-stop on each strand

A very common mistake among divas is to pass the flat iron too many times in the same section. Worse: it's stopping at every centimeter to ensure smoothing. The problem is that, this way, the wires are more dry and not always smoother. The trick is to comb the hair before using the flat iron and then slide it through the lock. If necessary, you can repeat the process, but without exaggerating.

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A post shared by iluvsarahii (@iluvsarahii) on Aug 18, 2018 at 8:19 am PDT

8 - Throw a jet of cold air on the hair

Surely you've already finished doing the flat iron and the strands are more ruffled on top of the head. Instead of running your hand through your hair to try to straighten it, the tip is to take a dryer and throw a jet of cold air on your hair. This helps keep the wires more aligned and without so much frizz.

9 - Use a repair tool after the flat iron

After the blast of cold air, the tip repair silicone is also perfect for taming frizz. To use it is very simple: you apply a few drops of the product in the palm of your hand, rub them together and then gently pass them through the hair. You can reapply it during the day whenever you feel the need;

10 - Do not use the flat iron in excess

Finally, it is very important to emphasize that the flat iron is a practical tool to straighten the hair, but it should not be used in excess. This is because the wires can become very fragile and brittle with the heat of the device. Also, don't forget to take good care of your locks so that your straight hair is perfect, okay?


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